Spinal Cord Injuries

Spinal Cord Injury Attorneys

Representation You Need

Spinal Cord Injury Attorneys

Victims of spinal cord injuries, may be able to obtain several types of compensation. These cases often focus on the long-term effects as well as the individual’s ability to continue working and lead an independent life. Our McDonald & Cody spinal cord injury trial attorneys will work with you to fight for the full compensation you deserve.

  • Current medical bills
  • Future medical costs
  • Any in-home care that may be required
  • Physical rehabilitation
  • Required medical equipment and devices
  • Long-term disability
  • Lost wages
  • Loss of future earning potential
  • Mental anguish
  • Loss of lifestyle enjoyment

Over $100 Million Recovered

Verdicts & Settlements


common causes of
spinal cord injuries

Spinal cord damage can be the result of an infection, a penetrating injury or a non-penetrating injury. Among the more common causes are:

When someone gets into a car crash, they frequently sustain trauma to their backs. Impacts of this nature often leave them with painful spinal cord injuries.

Motorcyclists get thrown into walls, lampposts, and other solid objects when they collide with other road users. As a result, they suffer life-altering spinal cord injuries.

Falls are one of the leading causes of spinal cord injuries. Certain industries, such as construction or entertainment, may be at a greater risk, but a trip down a set of stairs, or a fall from any height, can be dangerous.

An undiagnosed infection can lead to a spinal abscess, which can lead to paralysis if left untreated. Surgical errors, medication errors and other delays in diagnosis and treatment may lead to a spinal cord injury. A misplaced epidural during labor and delivery can also pose a risk.

Contact sports, such as football, wrestling and rugby, are dangerous even for highly trained players. One wrong move, or a bad hit, can leave a player paralyzed.


If you have been the victim of a spinal cord injury, our experienced team is ready to start working on your case today.

Call Us Now!

South Office: 706-778-5291
North Office: 706-778-7178

Why McDonald & Cody?

The philosophy at McDonald & Cody, LLC is to provide maximum results, one client at a time. We are dedicated to our cases and strive for quick, full and maximum compensation.


You can afford a top notch trial attorney. Our clients don't pay anything unless we win their case, either by receiving a settlement or a jury verdict.

We Spare No Expense!

We have the financial wherewithal to litigate every case to its conclusion, so you will never be forced to accept an unsatisfactory settlement because your law firm is hurting for cash.

We Keep Small Caseloads!

Each client’s case gets the individual attention and focus that makes sure that it is thoroughly prepared and the value maximized.

Spinal Cord Injury FAQ's

Answers to the most frequently asked questions about Spinal Cord Injuries.

The spinal cord is one of the most complex areas of the body, controlling numerous functions. An injury to the spine can significantly impact the victim’s physical, mental and financial well-being.

Spinal cord injuries generally fall into two categories:

  • Incomplete spinal cord injuries. These injuries result when the cord is partially severed. The injured party is usually able to retain some level of function. Examples of an incomplete injury include anterior cord syndrome, where an individual may have difficulty with movement. With central cord syndrome, the victim may also lose control of motor skills and basic bodily functions.
  • Complete spinal cord injuries. Complete injuries result when the spinal cord is fully severed. Though treatment may lessen the impact, most patients suffer complete loss of bodily functions and experience paralysis. Quadriplegia and paraplegia are examples of a complete spinal cord injuries, where the patient is unable to move limbs below the site of injury.
  • The symptoms of a spinal cord injury generally depend on two factors: the location of the injury and the severity of the injury. When a spinal cord injury occurs higher on the spinal column, the victim suffers more extensive paralysis.
  • A victim with a “partial” spinal cord injury may retain some sensation or motor function below the affected area. “Complete” spinal cord injuries are defined by complete loss of motor function and sensation below the affected area. Spinal cord injuries may result in one or more of the following:
    • Pain or an intense stinging sensation
    • Loss of movement
    • Loss of sensation (ability to feel heat, cold, and touch)
    • Loss of bowel or bladder control
    • Changes in sexual function/sensitivity
    • Exaggerated reflexes or spasms
    • Difficulty breathing, coughing, or clearing lungs

The value of a spinal cord injury case depends on the severity of the injury. The lifetime costs of a complete spinal cord injury can run between two and four million dollars or more. Other factors that contribute to the value of your claim include your current and future medical needs, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

Damages Available to Spinal Cord Injury Victims

In order to truly understand the costs of these injuries, we have to examine both economic losses as well as non-economic damages.

How Do I Get Started?


Statute of limitations may apply so don't delay having your accident or injury claim evaluated by our team.


Regardless of the type of injury you have, we may be able to help you get the compensation you deserve!


Our experienced attorneys at McDonald & Cody will fight for the justice you deserve. You don't pay unless we win!

Our Trial Attorneys are ready to discuss your Spinal Cord Injury case.

Contact Us for a FREE, No-Obligation Consultation.